Well the rectangular shawl is taking shape. I'm using some Knitpicks laceweight merino that a smart and lovely lady...Mary, you know who you are.... from The United States sent to me. (Knitpicks will not send yarn to Australia, unfortunately). This yarn is very low priced but it's perfect for swatching and trying out ideas.
When I knit the leaves using the same pattern as Anusla's Frozen Leaves" they got lost somehow. It's probably the colour. Anyway I decided to add a vertical line of paired yo's between the leaves and I like the effect. The shawl has curving edges as it follows the outline of the leaves.
I can see a design fault but I'm not worrying about it at this stage. I'll correct it later.
It's not particularly hard to knit.I'll be writing up the pattern for this shawl, for anyone who wants to try it:)
Let me know if you'd like to have a go.
best wishes